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異象 Vision
Build the houses of God among all His people
- 我們相信新舊約聖經都是神所默示的。原版真實無誤,完整地啟示神對人類的救恩計劃和心意,且是神給予信徒在信仰與生活上之最高權威。(彼後1:20-21;提後3:15-17;賽40:8
- 我們相信獨一之真神,萬物之創造主,是無限的完美並以三位合一的聖父、聖子、聖靈永遠存在。(弗4:6;林後13:14;約1:1-3)
- 我們相信耶穌基督是完全的神,也是完全的人,由聖靈感孕,藉童貞女馬利亞所生,依照聖經的記載為我們的罪死在十字架上,成為我們的挽回祭,並隨而身體復活,升天,現今在至尊榮者的右邊,作我們的大祭司和中保。(腓2:5-7;西1:15-19;來1:14,4:14-16;賽7:14,53:4-7;提前2:5;林前15:14)
- 我們相信聖靈的工作是榮耀主耶穌基督,並在現今的世代中叫人知罪悔改,重生相信的罪人,又住在一切相信祂之人的裡面,引導和加力量給信徒去過敬虔和事奉神的生活。(約16:13-15)
- 我們相信人是照著神的形象而被造,因犯罪而墮落,唯有藉著聖靈的重生,才能得著救恩及屬靈的生命。(創1:27,3:1-19;羅5:18-19;約3:3-6)
- 我們相信唯有藉著耶穌流血和復活,信徒才能得救和稱義。只有那些接受耶穌基督的人,才是從聖靈而生,成為神的兒女。(來9:22;彼前1:18-19;羅5:9-10;約3:16,1:12)
- 我們相信水禮與主餐是現世教會應該遵行的聖禮,但兩者均不是得救的途徑。(太28:19-20;林前11:23-26)
- 我們相信真教會是由一切因信接受主耶穌基督,被聖靈重生得救的信徒所組成,是基督的身體,主耶穌是教會的元首。(徒2:41-47;弗5:15-27)
- 我們相信只有那些基於上述8項而屬於真教會的,才有資格成為本教會的會員。(林後6:14-18)
- 我們相信耶穌基督是教會的主及元首,各地方教會在基督裡有權決定管理其教會事宜。(西1:15-19)
- 我們相信主耶穌會很快地在千禧年以前再來,此乃信徒有福的盼望,對支持其個人生活與事奉有莫大的影響。(太24:42-44;帖前4:13-18)
- 我們相信死人的身體都會復活,信徒會與主同在享受永遠的福樂;不信者則被審判定罪,落在永遠且有知覺的刑罰裡。(林前15:12-23;太25:31-46;啟20:11-15
- The Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, to be the inspired Word of God, without error in the original writings, the complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men and the Divine and final authority for Christian faith and life.
- In one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- That Jesus Christ is true God and true man, having been conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He died on the cross, a sacrifice for our sins according to the Scriptures. Further, He arose bodily from the dead, ascended into heaven, where, at the right hand of the Majesty on High, He is now our High Priest and Advocate.
- That the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and, during this age, to convict men, regenerate the believing sinner, and indwell, guide, instruct and empower the believer for godly living and service.
- That man was created in the image of God but fell into sin and is, therefore, lost, and only through regeneration by the Holy Spirit can salvation and spiritual life be obtained.
- That the shed blood of Jesus Christ and His Resurrection provide the only ground for justification and salvation for all who believe, and only such as receive Jesus Christ are born of the Holy Spirit and, thus become children of God.
- That water baptism and the Lord's Supper are ordinances to be observed by the Church during the present age. They are, however, not to be regarded as means of salvation.
- That the true Church is composed of all such persons who through saving faith in Jesus Christ have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit and are united together in the Body of Christ of which He is the Head.
- That only those who are, thus, members of the true Church shall be eligible for membership in the local church.
- That Jesus Christ is the Lord and Head of the Church and that every local church has the right, under Christ, to decide and govern its own affairs.
- In the personal and premillennial and imminent coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and that this "Blessed Hope" has a vital bearing on the personal life and service of the believer.
- In the bodily resurrection of the dead; of the believer to everlasting blessedness and joy with the Lord; of the unbeliever to judgment and everlasting conscious punishment.
一對在香港播道會神學院畢業,及在香港播道會教會事奉的袁奇恩牧師夫婦自香港移民來美,在丹佛神學院進修之際,基督教播道會的美國同工和一華人同工提出這城市華人福音的需要,他們同心合意禱告後,按神的旨意清楚帶領下,於1989年10月22日借用丹佛西南部的美國播道會(Southern Gables Evangelical Free Church),開始了第一次崇拜,當時定名為「湖木市基督教播道會」。
約在1850年起,當時北歐地方有大批瑞典人、丹麥人、挪威人移民到美洲,基督徒因而在不同地方成立教會。 而美國瑞典教會在1884年成立;及後,來自瑞典、挪威及丹麥的信徒合併成為「美國播道會」。
為何稱為「播道會」 (Evangelical Free Church) 呢?
1. Evangelical 代表福音派的教會;乃篤信聖經無誤,並持守純正福音信仰,以廣傳福音為使命的屬靈群體。
2. Free 是表示國家與教會兩者之間的獨立性,意思是教會不是受國家的控制,需要脫離國家教會的制度,以聖經為最高的權威(政教分離)。此外,Free (自由) 亦代表著個別地方的教會有獨立自主的權力,強調個別地方的教牧、長執積極參與和推動地方教會的發展。
History of DCEFC
Rev.and Mrs. Chi-Eng Yuan emigrated to the Unied States from Hong Kong in the summer of 1988. During the first month they settled down in Denver, some American and Chinese pastors of other E.F.C. churches shared the Gospel needs and encouraged them to plant a church among Chinese people in Denver area. They prayed for God's guidance seriously. One year later, by the grace of God, Lakewood Chinese Evangelical Free Church began the first Sunday Service in Oct. 22, 1989, meeting at the Southern Gables Evangelical Free Church.
Since the Southern Gables would be relocating in April, 1994, Lakewood Chinese E.F.C. must find a place of their own so that we might continue to make disciples and share the Gospel among the thousands of Chinese people that God has placed on our doorstep.
Through prayer, offering and God's guidance, Lakewood Chinese E.F.C. bought a new building in Sept, 1993. In June 1994, the church moved to the new building and renamed "Denver Chinese Evangelical Free Church".
History of The Evangelical Free Church of America
The Evangelical Free Church of America was formed in 1950 by the merger of two church bodies: the Swedish Evangelical Free Church and the Norwegian-Danish Evangelical Free Church Association. Both groups had been birthed in the revival movements of the late nineteenth century.
The Swedish group had its formal beginnings in Boone, Iowa, at a conference held in October of 1884. In that same year, two Norwegian-Danish groups began to worship and fellowship together in Boston, Massachusetts and Tacoma, Washington. By 1912, both the Swedish Evangelical Free Church and the Norwegian-Danish Evangelical Free Church Association had been formed.
Those two associations, representing 275 local congregations, were formally joined together as they gathered for a merger conference in June of 1950 at the Medicine Lake Conference Grounds near Minneapolis, Minnesota. The international and national offices of the EFCA have been located in Minneapolis since the merger took place.